Kohlrabi Warm Dip

Kohlrabi Warm Dip

Oh yes! The beginning of my CSA share is here! I get really excited about my veggies. Imagine a kid in a candy store and that’s how I feel every time I get my box full of fresh, organic, locally grown vegetables straight from the farm. For those of you who read...
Parrilla Venezolana y Guasacaca

Parrilla Venezolana y Guasacaca

Parrilla means grill in Spanish, it also refers to a party you throw with the purpose of grilling, and it also refers to the meat you are grilling. So basically Parrilla is a BBQ, right? The only difference is that when I am invited to a BBQ, I am not quite sure what...
Fried Sage Flowers

Fried Sage Flowers

I absolutely love cooking with fresh herbs, which is why I grow many of them in my garden in the summer. Sage is one of my favorite for various reasons and the most important one is that I don’t have to replant it every year. Many herbs are perennials, but also...
Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam

I know that a lot of you already did your canning for the season, and you are probably way ahead of me in the game (maybe?). Just in case you are still looking for ideas to use the last batch of tomatoes from your garden or the market; I have this Tomato Jam recipe...